Santa is very large - probably close to 6 feet tall, if standing. Bernard is about 5 feet tall. Santa's pants and coat are a deep wine-colored velvet, and he wears a beautiful tapestry vest with a pocket-watch on a watch chain attached to a velvet button. Bernard has green brocade pants and a wine-colored velvet jacket (coincidentally matching Santa's). Both are wearing black boots. Santa has incredibly life-like hands (including hair). He wears antique wire-rim glasses, and holds an antique pipe in his mouth. The fairy sits cross-legged, reaching for a checker. She is dressed in white pants and a wine-colored dress. She has red hair and wears white flowers on her dress and in her hair. Her wings are made from translucent clay (still not sure how Audrey did that). The hand-made checkerboard is topped with "cookies" (also hand-made) for checkers (Christmas trees and Gingerbread men). The checkerboard took a week to make - taping to paint it in checkerboard style, two coats for each color, and then a coat of lacquer. Wine is served... white for Bernard, red for Santa... the fairy was given a small drink, but she got tickled and spilled it. Commissioned/Purchased in 2002.